Thursday, April 6, 2023

Yesterday and Today - Not the Beatles Album

 Two nights in a row, I did not sleep well. Last night it was my stomach. The concoction of Vienna sausages and macaroni and cheese did not sit well. I think it was the CPAP mask on Wednesday night. I am pretty sure I went no further than McClure's on Wednesday. No, that's not right. I went to the sheriff's - I got the 10:30 #17 bus out to the courthouse. It was raining off and on, so I said there and read Aristotle's Politics. About went to sleep out there. Then it was back downtown, jumped the #6 to the north side. Walgreen's for Ben-Gay, FedEx to copy my Chili's pay stub, and Aldi's for the staples (potatoes and apples) and some other stuff. I got back to the room about 1:30. Maybe a nap? 

My memory is a bit troublesome. At Aldi's I was checking something out, turned back and began walking with a cart. I stopped when it hit me, it was not my cart.

I meant to do taxes today. I went to Payless for some fried chicken. Then walked across to Staples. I kept thinking I had paid for the groceries, and then I convinced myself I had to have paid for them. Only when I was paying for the thumb drive, did I know for sure I had not paid for them. Back to Payless where I paid for the groceries. From there, I caught the #3 downtown and the #5 back.

I ate my chicken and a salad. After that, I found out I had the wrong thumb drive. No sense doing taxes. I did some editing on the Mr Morgan story. 

The call came in about the job. I start next Monday.

Which means I need to cancel the interviews I have next week.

 But no more getting messages like this from yesterday:

Thank you for your interest in the Part-Time Sales position, at this time we have decided to pursue other candidates. If you have applied for other positions at this location, please note that this message is only in reference to the Part-Time Sales position. Your application will be kept on file for 90 days and may be considered for future openings.

We appreciate your interest. 


Best regards,

Team MUNCIE, IN Menards

New England Review 44.1 is online. 

An old crush, happy to see her still working: Elizabeth McGovern Wants Us to See the Real Ava Gardner

I did not fast this Lent. It weighs on my mind, and I try to compensate otherwise. Not sure how that is going, either. I see my own shortcomings in From Altar Calls to Theosis: What Orthodoxy Showed Me about a Life of Transformation by David de Leon. I have been trying to decide if whether forgiving someone else's trespasses means letting that person back in my life, or if I can forgive and move away from her.

Over at Long River Review, Ally LeMaster offers three modern plays for reading and teaching, The Case for Plays. I know of two, but have not read them. The third, I do not know at all. Anything suggesting the teaching of Sam Shepard, I am for.

Madison County has two of the smallest towns in Indiana, learn something new today.

Tonight was about submitting stories.

"The Sloe Gin Effect" went to 

  1. Old Pal Magazine 
  2.  After Happy Hour

Malahat Review got "True Love Ways Gone Astray";  

"The Local Boy Who Made Good" went to:

  1. Guernica
  2. BigCityLit  

"Aftermath"  went to The Berkeley Fiction Review .

Now I got this finished, and will be in bed soon. I have a lot of running to do tomorrow.

Until then, boogie on:


sch 9:34 pm

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