Saturday, May 6, 2023

Vietnam War Books

 Let me confess that I have read none of the Vietnam War histories, and gave up watching Vietnam War movies after Platoon. (My own favorite Vietnam War movie is the obscure, if not forgotten, Go Tell The Spartans. Thanks, Wayne Skinner.)

I have read a bit of The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, but the one Vietnamese War novel which I read, and did so avidly, was The Sympathizer by by Viet Thanh Nguyen. 

See, I grew up watching the Vietnam War on TV, which may explains why the The Sympathizer and Go Tell The Spartans obtained such a hold on me.

I went all this so I can tout George Black's The Vietnam War, 50 Years On: A Reading List on LitHub.

Talk about myths needing to be rethought, especially when we have Donald J. Trump talking down our military and position in the world. We blundered into a war in a country without strategic value for on ideological grounds, and we killed a lot of people without having a strategic goal justifying us being there, or all the dead. Looking back, I do not see what we lost - other than people and reputation. That we cannot afford to do. Let alone be hoodwinked into thinking we lack the power to protect ourselves.

sch 4/28

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