Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Rainy Night in Indiana, and Maybe Georgia

 I overslept this morning, then I forgot to make myself lunch. I was late to work. The left leg held up, but I was tired when I left. On the bus from work to downtown, I had trouble keeping my eyes open. I was so tired, that I rode back to the room with the middle-schoolers. Noisy as ever. I went to McClure's before I came back here. No Coca-Cola. After dinner, I watched the second episode of His Dark Materials - barely making it to 7:30 before I fell asleep. Thinking I would sleep until the early morning, I was shocked to wake at 9:30. I thought I had been asleep far more than 2 hours. This probably indicates I was very, very tired today.

I have gone through my email. Here is what I want to share.

Booklists that I will not have time to read:

  1. Penguin Random House's The Must-Read Books of 2022 
  2. Lit Hub's Our 38 Favorite Books of 2022
  3. The Common's Friday Reads: December 2022  

There was a time when I never would have agreed with Mona Charen. Even now, I have to wonder to what degree conservatives like her are liable for the current Republican Party, but I do find myself agreeing with her Why the Right Needs Hunter Biden. This fascination made no sense until now. Doesn't make it any less nuts.

The Railway Labor Fight Is an Object Lesson in Democratic Party Hypocrisy will teach your what the Left really sounds like. My opinion: overheated, so long as the Democrats continue pursuing sick leave. Something similar from CounterPunch: “They’re Militarizing the Cops Again, Hurroo, Hurroo”.

Indiana Capital Chronicle published Hoosiers share thoughts on Holcomb, abortion, public health in new survey. Okay, if these numbers are right about abortion, marijuana, and the environment are correct, then why do the Republicans govern as they do?

Raphael Warnock just declared winner of the Georgia Senate race. Well, I sent him $10, so I find this very good news. 

A new writer tweeted about a low book signing turnout, and famous authors commiserated. I got to admit, I would love to have 2 people show up for a  book signing because it would mean I finished a novel and somebody published it.

The Hidden, Magnificent History of Chop Suey I cannot think of the last time I had chop suey, which I think says something about the better Chinese food available here than when I was a kid.

I checked out the Anderson Herald Bulletin. Not much going on there.

I am not sure what this portends, After resignations, Muncie City Council will be a majority appointed board in 2023, but I suspect it will not upset the city's functioning.

Now, this sounds like the old days in Muncie: Muncie woman charged with shooting at house, wounding dog.

Here Are the 2022 Sight and Sound Greatest Films of All Time

I have no time to even check it out, but the newest n+1, MIDDLEMEN, is out. There is also a new BookForum. Last, Full Mood has a new issue.

And that is all the short notes for tonight.



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