Friday, April 7, 2023

Habit and Morality (Part Two), 9-16-2010

 [Continued from Habit and Morality (Part One), 9-16-2010. sch 4/2/23.]

I say my withdrawal from the world was not a good thing. It grated on me, it made me a coward. Why? Because it was an immoral choice. I told myself I needed to make money to pay bills and eat; I told myself that I had no other responsibilities; I convinced myself that speaking out against the popular would do my business harm. I was brought up to believe wrong is wrong. I turned my back on that lesson.

In or out of church, we owe an obligation to one another. We live in a society of which we are part and to which we have obligations. We can stand on the sidelines whether we are cheering on the divisiveness in our society or apathetically allow its growth. We hold onto our totems with a superstitious glee. How often do Limbaugh's Dittoheads pick up a book criticizing their viewpoints? How many of you decrying socialism can explain socialism? Progressives seem less likely to disdain independent thinking, but they cannot backslide in their open-mindedness. I think the problem is greater for conservatism. Conservatism favors ignorance, a solidarity of ignorance, which makes it more dangerous than progressives. William F. Buckley Jr. must be spinning in his grave.

I say we are a frightened people, ever more sheep-like. We bleat our fears by wearing guns to peaceful demonstrations, by demonizing our political opponents, by imprisoning millions of our fellow citizens. We cover ourselves in ignorance, claiming it a virtue, only to render ourselves foolish. We praise anyone who will put a bunker over our heads, while never thinking what gives us security is a prison.

People, we have at our fingertips the means of ending the ignorant. Or would you prefer playing online games or tending your farm on Facebook? You need to decide exactly how important to you is your country, your society. You have time enough - unless you like being an ignorant sheep. 

Breaking habits entails pain. I throw back to everyone telling me to quit smoking tobacco. Make a list of everything you think you have done. Then write out how you will fix those things. Share all that with your friends and family.

Second, I suggest a lot of reading. Education does not end with school. Life is education. When you stop thinking there is nothing more to learn, you are at your most ignorant. Only God knows all. I am going to suggest some things to read and also authors. I am thinking all of these should be online, therefore free. None require more than the ability to read the English language.

Why read anything suggested by a moral leper? I put myself in this place not by being ignorant, but because I became confounded by habit and depression. I write hoping for action. However, ideas precede action. We need to get back to the rawness of ideas, past the covering of commentary.


[Continued in Habit and Morality (Part Three), 9-16-2010. sch 4/4/23.]

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