Saturday, August 27, 2022


I got another rejection for "Passerby."

We appreciate the chance to read your work, but unfortunately, it does not meet our needs at this time. We wish you the best of luck in placing your work elsewhere.

If you have sent work to Joyland you're probably also a reader of our magazine. We thank you for that and respect the time and effort you put into your work and sending it to us. 

Joyland Magazine

I told KH  about the rejection, and he gave me a pep talk. I suspect he worries I will become dejected, depressed enough to stop writing. No such feeling exists in me. KH put me onto the path of writing again. I would feel I had let him down if he thought my writing was inferior. Besides all that, I am not so sure the story ought not have been rejected.

What was rejected was a novel excerpt masquerading as a short story. It may not be up to being a short story in its present form. We will see what happens in the future. See, I think there may be another problem.

I do not know that I am likely to be fashionable for the literary magazines. So it goes, as Mr. Vonnegut would say.

Also, I know I have not written "A Rose for Emily" or "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber."

Revision and submitting those revisions is the order of the day. Those in the same place I am with my writing, do the same and do not give up.

If I were to be affected by rejection, then the lack of readers in this blog would have done me in months and months ago,

sch 8/25/22

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