Monday, September 2, 2024

Mysteries, Crimes, Interpretations - Happy Labor Day!

 Last night, I ran across the Edward Petherbridge version of Lord Peter Wimsey TV shows. They have been in the background this morning, too.

The shows led me to 'Do You Write Under Your Own Name?' Martin Edwards' Crime Writing Blog

Martin Edwards is a crime novelist who has received the CWA Diamond Dagger, the highest honour in UK crime writing, as well as lifetime achievement awards for his short fiction, crime writing, and scholarship...

I cannot say that I read it in depth, but what I did led me to be a follower and to recommend it to you.

Last night, I also found another good reason for having subscribed to Peacock: New Tricks. We had Cold Case, with its crusading, stiff-lipped investigator solving closed cases when the British had New Tricks. Older cops are led by a younger female. I always thought this was one English show that would do well adapted here (The Closer and Major Crimes came the closest with its humor and unit interactions.)

The news from General strike brings Israel to a halt, pressuring Netanyahu on hostages needs this comment: the Israelis protest Netanyahu's Gaza incursion while Americans are called anti-Israeli for the same criticism.

Electric Literature published an extract from MISINTERPRETATION by Ledia Xhoga under Intimacy of Interpretation. I never thought about what goes on with interpretation. Bridging gaps, making disparate parts understandable to one another. This seems to me what I am supposed to be doing with my writing - here and with my fiction. I seem to be failing on both fronts.

It seems there is now a filmed version of Colson Whitehead's The Nickel Boys: ‘Nickel Boys’ Review: RaMell Ross Breaks Free of Reform-School Tropes, but Loses the Plot in the Process

Out of smokes and RC Cola, the pork is in the slow cooker. I will take a break and walk down to the convenience store.

sch 11:11 AM

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