Wednesday, September 4, 2024

On Wednesday

 I woke up in a panic 30 minutes ago. Earliest time to bed in weeks, but was up at 11 and 2, and never noticed I forgot to set the alarm clock.

I did a little work on "Three-Way Split" last night, but not enough. I came home tired from work. My back was hurting. This annoyed me. What bothered me even more was not being able to have much in the way of coherent thoughts. The brain kept skipping around. A nap did not help.

"No Ordinary Word" was rejected over the weekend:

Thank you for submitting to Book of Matches. We enjoyed the chance to read your manuscript, but regret that after discussing it we must decline. We encourage you to submit again in the future.

Submission guidelines may be found here:

Thank you for your time and understanding.


Kelli and Nicholas

I called work, breakfasted, and will leave in the next ten minutes.

Thanks to whoever is reading this. Feel free to comment.

I did check out the headlines, WAPO, sends me a newsletter - here is a story that should make people wonder about a double standard in our criminal and the preventive powers of SORNA.

sch 6:34 AM

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