Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Independent Publishing House - Overseas - Publishing in English

 Since I have made known several times my belief that Americans need to read more foreign writers, I offer The International Indie Publishing Houses Shaking Up the Book World from Electric Lit.

At least, this is what I hope for when I look to a new indie publisher—the most gratifying moments in my literary life are those that draw my attention to categories I hadn’t known existed. Moments that reveal whole continents of writing that weren’t on my radar. If you close your eyes and think about it, discovering a serious indie publisher might just be similar to catching sight of land while out at sea. It’s exciting, bracing, and full of untested possibilities.

This list, paired with recommendations on what to read, is designed to elicit such moments. These 7 international publishers make space so that writers from all over the cultural, geographical, and linguistic map can exist in English. Take a look, they’re sure to leave a blip on your literary map. 

sch 8/24 

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