Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Another Electoral Reform Idea I Like

 I did not like the headline, Want to Stop Extremists from Becoming President? Try Primary Runoffs , but it being from The Bulwark, I thought it worth reading. Here is the idea:

What would have happened if, instead of using the winner-take-all system, a top-two runoff system had been in place in 2016? Under a runoff rule, if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote on election day, the top two contenders will face off in a second election held, say, one week later. This guarantees majority support for the winner.

My idea was that in the general election, there needed to a none of the above slot on the ballot. If none of the candidates got more votes than the none of the above slot, the entire slate would be out. Only the one with more votes than none of the above could take office.

The idea presented by this article would be easier to implement. Is it more likely? Probably not. The Trumpists and Trump know their only way forward is manipulating the system so that a minority can come to power. They have no interest in promoting democracy. Those running the Republican Party do not want to direct the Trumpist ire on themselves.

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