Thursday, February 2, 2023

Not a Good Time Was had in Carmel

Well, I am not clear of these polygraph tests. Two questions were equivocal. I go back March 4.

 But I did not get to eat at Byrd's in Daleville. They have not changed; it made me miss QL's here in Muncie. But maybe I did not put on enough sauce.

Sister and I visited the attorney regarding dad's trust. He and I will meet on Monday to finalize things.

Best thing of the day: getting in the last hour of the Sonic Bloom on WPRB.

 I cannot say what I think of this without descending into vulgar swearing:

The Roanoke Review has a new edition.

"Colonel Tom" and another rejection:

Thank you for sending us your work. We appreciate your submission to our journal.

"Colonel Tom" was not chosen for publication on Atticus Review. We are, however, grateful for the opportunity to read your work and wish you well in your continued writing.


Michelle Ross

Fiction Editor, Atticus Review

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Just took 25 days for that turnaround.

The Washington Post's Rep. Ilhan Omar removed from committee under GOP majority presents another Hoosier lawmaker acting with the intelligence and integrity all too common that finds it way to Washington, D.C. from Indiana:

Yet, Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) only agreed to vote for the resolution Tuesday, after initially stating she was opposed, because a provision was added that Republicans argue provides due process to Omar. During a Rules Committee hearing Tuesday evening, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) admitted the resolution has a “vanishingly small amount” of due process, but that it “may have been enough to get somebody’s vote.”

Some history, a podcast, Scotland - What is the Declaration of Arbroath? 

The Declaration is a letter dated 6 April 1320 written by the barons and freeholders of the Kingdom of Scotland to Pope John XXII. The letter asked the pope to recognise Scotland's independence and acknowledge Robert the Bruce as the country's lawful king.

Remember: if it is not Scottish, it's:

Still, grumpy, but working through it all. 3:23 pm

It is now 6:10 pm.

  • I talked to KH around 3:30 pm
  • I listened to Greaser's Lunchbox
  • I texted my sister because while talking to KH I recalled leaving an MS in her car.
  • I started submitting "True Love Ways Gone Astray" (Choeofpleirn Press and coolest american stories (an annual anthology) and "Exemplary Employee" (Starlite Pulp)
  • Fended off emails, and a wrote a couple - I am still trying to get my "Love Stinks" MS back.
  • CC's phone is still off.
  • A bagel was eaten and I think a bowl of soup will be soon. 
  • I changed my mind about "Colonel Tom" - it is going off to The Mad Duck Coalition - having read what they want, if they are not interested then I am truly done shopping this one around.
  • CC called. In some ways she sounds better and in other she sounds the same. Still congested, still coughing. I said she needs to go to the doctor. She is to call me tomorrow.
  • I may need to go back to working on Mondays. Just saying. It is to be in the negative numbers into early Friday morning. I am in no mood to go into an icebound truck. I put out another job application tonight. Besides, if I have to go with her to a doctor, then I need to be where I can leave.
7:38 pm - taking a break to eat some soup. Listening to LizBot on WPRB.
Back at 8:23. There was soup and a potato and a little bit of Red 2.

  1. Planet Scumm (Exemplary Employee)
  2. New Myths (Exemplary Employee)
  3. The Ex-Puritan (Best of Intentions)
Back to an earlier list for Orca - it got "True Love Ways Gone Astray."

DM suggested Requiem for the American Dream, but I have not the time for it tonight. Noam Chomsky, explaining how American wealth got concentrated at our expense.

KH thinks I should go ahead and do the three Road Trip chapters of "Chasing Ashes" as a novella. That is what I will be working on for the next few days.
My sister will be mailing my MS back to me.

I may need to take CC to see a doctor.

It is 10:11. I want to do one small post for this blog. Maybe I will not be too tired for reading the TLS.

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