Monday, January 16, 2023

Unfilmable Novels

 CounterCraft ended the year with What Makes an Unfilmable Novel?I cannot comment on the novels referred to in the article, other than Lolita (but of which I have never seen the Kubrick film). If you read Dracula, you will never find a movie that approaches it. There was where I found the difference between a novel and its film adaptation.

But to CounterCraft's two types of unfilmable movies, I think there is a third. That is the one whose themes cannot be filmed. Robert E. Heinlein's Starship Troopers comes to mind first. That one had to do public service to be a citizen was, at best, obscured in the move version. I know there is a film version of The Sound and the Fury because I saw 10 minutes of it about 40 years ago, but I cannot imagine it even winked at the incest of the novel. Seems to me that anyone approaching a Hollywood studio with a script for Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man would be guilty of inducing a stroke.

Well, I need to get to my own writing. Anyone reading this who would like to add other examples, feel free to use the comments below.

sch 12/31/22

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