Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Morning

 CC showed up and left late. We talked and talked, as we have been doing. I slept as well as I have in months. I told it was interesting how for the first time ever we have been in a motel room without misbehaving. Still, I was not an enthusiastic riser this morning.

I did get some email read. My sister and I have been trading emails on when is my polygraph. Nothing from my PO on that subject, so far today. 

From Rolling Stone, I learned who they count as the greatest singers ever - The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time. I agree with their number one, I am impressed with how many singers they include from around the world and from different genres, but I strongly object to the absence of Jerry Lee Lewis.

From The Guardian:

Gina Lollobrigida, Italian star of the 1950s and 60s, dies aged 95 - I admit to not knowing she was still alive, but not her movies. I belong to that generation under the influence of Italian actrresses.

‘We have to take a first step’: inside the fight for reparations in America - reviews a new documentary which covers the complications of reparations to African-Americans. I did not approve of this idea when it was touted as reparations for slavery. The Civil War, I think, paid for that sin with blood. I absolutely stand for those seeking reparations for white racism practiced through governmental action after the Civil War. Jim Crow in the South and redlining in the North made a mockery of those dying for a Union not dominated by the slave states, a domination that could only be ended by emancipation, and an emancipation that gave to the African-American the equal rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Over in Anderson: Alley Theatre production of 'Spoon River Anthology' connects living to dead in fictitious town. Back in the day when dinosaurs roamed the earth, Anderson Highland High School's drama department produced this play. I t would be interesting to see this production.

Indiana Capital Chronicle published Proposal seeks to change Constitution — and who has right to bail in Indiana. I intend a full post on this, but it seems like the usual product of a knee-jerk reaction: unnecessary,

I also finished How to Swim Against the Stream: On Diogenes from LARB, and think it will get its own post.

I will not presume to comment on Love Your Enemies, but just click on the link and read in full and double-check your consciences.

The cleaning crew has not made their appearance. I went down to McClure's hoping they would have gotten my room done during my absence. I have two things to do today: write and get laundry done. Probably should call the polygraph guy, too.

sch 10:25 AM

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