Thursday, December 1, 2022

The World's Longest Suicide Note (Part 3) 5/3/2010

 I must thank K again for getting my copy of David Hume's Essays Moral, Political and Literary to me. I find "Of Suicide" informative here.

But suppose that it is no longer in my power to promote the interest of the public: Suppose that I am a burthen to it. Suppose, that my life hinders some person from being much more useful to the public. In such cases my resignation of life must not only be innocent but laudable....

I may be the only one in this room I live in now who thinks as I do. The other one who might have agreed with me was removed after he started hitting himself.

Why 5 years? Why whatever sentence? Why not probation or alternative sentencing? I have written specifically on this, so I will condense here: my crime made me a moral leper who needs imprisonment without the chance of any other punishment.

As for 5 years, that is the minimum sentence and I may still find my father alive in 5 years. I may also be able to help repair the damage done to the stepsons. I think anyone with a bit of common sense why more than 5 years drastically lessens any chance of helping any of the three.

(By the way, if you dislike the idea of a non-violent criminal being put in prison for at least 5 years on your dime - then say something to your Senators and Representative. It will not affect my sentence one bit.) 

(And those who think a minimum prison sentence is a good use of your tax dollars, I would love to hear your explanation.)

[To be continued. And there is a comment section below that you may feel free to post your explanations of the good of a minimum sentence. sch 10/17/22.]


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