Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Summing Up, Part Two 5-2010

[Continued from Summing Up, Part One 5-2010. I do not know how I titled this piece back in 2010. There is an assumption this piece belongs to May - it may belong to April. There may be some edits due to my monitoring software. I almost skipped publishing this for these reasons, and admittedly I am a little tired of myself from 2010. I know what happened - just about everything I thought would not: I kept writing in prison, I did not die there. In these pretrial notes is an underlying feeling: that I needed to spew forth everything that was in my head, as I had kept silent when I thought I should not have, and time was short to make up for my cowardice. For all these reasons, I will publish. Notes from the present day are, like this preface, in brackets. sch 10/30/21.]

 I do not recall when I last committed a crime on Yahoo, except for it being what led to my arrest. Nor were all the times I was on Yahoo Chat did I commit a crime. There were conversations from the banal to the bizarre. (The most bizarre was a fellow who wanted to kill people. That kept me off Yahoo for a long time, he was serious.)

Not all the sends were illegal. They do not matter. From the government, I get the sense they were irrelevant. Might remember that. It is a bit like the old one drop rule, one illegal picture is enough to make you a monster.


I did not keep my chat friends for long. I would get bored and leave Yahoo to itself. This would lead me to uninstalling Yahoo Messenger. But after the last install, I just left it alone.

The investigators thought I was always on Yahoo. Running Messenger let me know when I had new emails to my Yahoo emails. I could not get Mozilla's Thunderbird to interact with Yahoo unless I paid Yahoo money. I was not about to do this. At the same time, I would be working in WordPerfect or Time & Chaos or Firefox.

Am I the only person who works like that? I think the government investigators must not.

I think my Yahoo chats probably hit their high point between the middle of November and the middle of January. Three women were involved - ranging from 59 to 23 - and none were interested in illegal pictures. BDSM was their interest. The youngest disappeared on me. The oldest I offended by suggesting a change in her marital status. A third one disappeared on me, too, she was 24, and turned up a few days before my arrest.

Then along came Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


 [Continued in Summing Up, Part Three 5-2010.]

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