Sunday, November 27, 2022

Madness & Paranoia 5/2010

Last evening, I looked up from my book and realized just how much I screwed up my life. I really ought to have done one of two things : 1) get some mental health treatment; or 2) committed suicide.

I told KH last year I had a talent for overcomplicating my life. I may have simplified my life on one level only to sure at the expense of having overcomplicated the lives of other people.

I apologize for being such a bother.

Why did I not get some mental health care? First, no insurance. Then, and most importantly, there was my paranoia.

See, I assumed word would get out that I was getting treatment. Once word got out, there would go the practice I was trying to rebuild.

Guess what? I have no law practice, I have no law license (I resigned), and I am being shunned by friends, former colleagues, and family as a moral leper.

Bottom line: If you think you are going crazy, then get yourself some professional help before you really screw up your life.


[There ends my first legal pad. I have plenty more. Nothing I wrote back then would I change or qualify in any way. I wrote these notes so that others might learn from my example how not to handle depression.]

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