Monday, September 19, 2022

Good Night, Muncie

 I spent too much time tryig to figure out where to place my play, and missed my bus downtown. So, I pulled the plug on it.

I went down and saw the lawyer. Tomorrow, I am supposed to sign the petition regarding dad's estate. 

Then I caught the bus to Payless. This one picked up at the high school. Such dull faces these kids wear. I wonder if my high school class looked as dull and timid. My vanity says we did not. Is this thanks to Covid? Or the effects of the unsteady economy of Muncie? Maybe we are seeing the effects of the migration of the UAW workers over the past 40 years. In a meaner mood, I would say it is just the way Muncie has always been. There is a downside to having a leading family take a string hand in local affairs over the past century or more. Could be I am interpreting them through my lens that the species has doomed itself.

Back here, I never quite got going on anything in particular. I lined up places for plays. I crashed Firefox. A nap did not help my motivation. I got a paragraph written as I revise a story from 2010. And I cannot think of anything else I can note as an achievement. Maybe a little organizing for the rest of the week. Tomorrow the blog and the story. Plays on Wednesday.

I did see part of Queen Elizabeth's funeral. Impressive show. I wonder if we will ever see anything like it again. 


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