Saturday, September 7, 2024

Journeys and Submissions and a Rat

 I started to leave this morning around 10:20 when I surprised a rat in the kitchen. Well, I assume it was a rat since all I saw was its tail end. It was not black. It was bigger than a mouse. I do not like rats.

I called Middletown Properties. Pest control people will not be out here before Monday. I certainly do not like rats enough to wait for Monday.

The bus downtown, I missed. I started walking. Being Saturday, I got the schedules tangled. I needed to go to FedEx on McGalliard; which is the #6 bus. That bus departed at 10:45. 

I also wanted to stop at Minnestrista for the Farmer's Market. I started walking north.

At Minnestrista, I decided against buying vegetables since that meant carrying them and, looking at the phone's clock, I might miss the bus north. Carrying a bag of vegetables about a mile was not to my liking. I did get a breakfast burrito from The Downtown Food Stand. It was excellent; big enough to function as brunch. Yes, I did miss the bus north.

My knee gave out halfway between Minnestrista and FedEx. It was around Waid Street. I kept going, only stopping for a Coke and smokes at the Marathon. 

I made my copies at FedEx and walked over to Walgreens. Now, I have a stapler. 

This time I caught the bus back home. Where I dropped off my buys. Then I caught the bus back downtown. I was going to Walmart for a rat trap and a few other items. Then it was back home. I arrived back here around 3 PM.

Then I rested. For the last three hours, I have been working on submitting my stories and going through email. Oh, I did a post on Indiana ghost stories, which is scheduled for Halloween.

Right now, I have a video of David McCullough speaking about Paris and Americans in the 19th Century. He had a wonderful voice.

My submissions for today:

Salem State University Soundings East, Santa Clara ReviewWrite or Die! - "No Ordinary Word"

Rocket Fuel SubmissionsNinth Letter - "Problem Solving"

New England Review - "Getting What You Asked For"

Other items from YouTube keeping me company tonight - continuing my interest in Frankie Miller; parties and crime in Glasgow, Scotland; reverting to Shakin Stevens; and an Indiana mystery.

Now, back to the email.

No sound of the rat.

sch 9:45 PM

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