Friday, August 5, 2022

The Laptop is Coming

Wednesday I got this text from my PO:

Call me tomorrow to schedule office appointment for software install for computer. 

We spoke yesterday. The day set for this meeting is August 22. About time?

I need get to work on my stories. I meant to  start again on my revising lady night. Instead, I passed out for over an hour and spoke with my sister and worked on a few posts gor here.

I also await hearing from my new counselor and getting a new cpap mask.

I have news on my writing.

"Passerby" got these rejections:

Thank you for submitting work tore reo this year's Older Writers' Grant.

Regrettably, the jurors have determined that your piece will not be advancing to the next round, but we hope you'll consider submissions to future grant cycles. 

The jurors rejected this application because they felt the characters were stereotypical and that the writing could've been more refined.

You can find the full schedule of SLF's offerings here. Keep writing!

Kitty Lin (she/her)
Grants Coordinator


 Thank you for giving us the chance to read your work. Unfortunately, we have decided against publication at this time. Due to our high submission volume, we receive far more pieces than we can publish.

We wish you the best of luck in finding a home for your work.


The Identity Theory Staff


 I put the first page of "Chasing Ashes" into competition and got this:

Thank you again for submitting your work to the 2022 Gutsy Great Novelist Page One Prize.
While I did not select your entry as one of the winners, I feel honored to have had the sincere privilege of considering your work—thank you so much for sharing it with me.
As you know, I judged this competition "blind," which means I did not know the identities of any of the submitters until I had made my final selections. If you'd like to review the judging process, you can find that here.

And another for "Colonel Tom":

Thank you for sending us "Colonel Tom." We appreciate the chance to consider your work. Unfortunately, it does not fit our needs at this time.

We wish you the best of luck in placing it elsewhere.


The Editors


Now for one more day hauling boxes. 


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