Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Indict Trump

 AG Garland needs either to indict Trump or explain carefully why there was no evidence to indict the Queens gasbag.

The Law and Order Party threatens the country with violence. What is this? Weimar Germany

Trump Is Trying To Extort America comes from the conservative leaning The Bulwark. It seems spot on the mark.

Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Pipsqueak, says there will be riots unless Donald J. Trump is exempted from the law. Lindsey Graham Warns Of 'Riots In Streets' If Trump Is Charged Over Classified Docs!

Esquire asks What Is Lindsey Graham Doing to Try to Prevent 'Riots' If Trump Is Charged With a Crime?

"There literally will be riots in the street," Graham said elsewhere in the interview, "I worry about our country." With his worry in mind, and assuming Graham wants to avoid the outcome under discussion here, we reached out to Bishop by email. "What is the senator doing to try to prevent this scenario?" we asked. We'll let you know if he gets back to us.

Surely, one way to "bring down the temperature"—a phrase we've been hearing, very sincerely, from Trumpworld in recent weeks—would be to go on television and point out that the Feds worked for months and months to get Trump to return his stash of documents before they made the decision to send in FBI agents. Those agents were executing a search warrant approved by a federal magistrate judge based on a sworn affidavit providing evidence that rose to the level of probable cause, Graham could say. We've seen some reporting that indicates some of the documents in question were quite serious, but even the most skeptical among us should wait for a clearer picture before blasting everyone involved as hopelessly corrupt.

If anyone but Trump had waylaid secret government files and lied about it, they would be in federal custody without bond. 

Read Finally, a Sunday anchor puts his foot down on Espionagegate.

Every candidate for running for office this year needs to be asked: are you for the Constitution or rule by Donald J. Trump?

Every voter needs to decide if they are for the Constitution or rule by Trump.

Meanwhile, stop pussyfooting around DOJ and indict Trump. Nothing was ever solved by waffling in the face of fascism.

sch 8/29/22

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