Friday, February 28, 2025

65 Not much Different From 64, So Far

I went to work. Quite a mess of dirty pans when I got there, but I was done before noon.

There was a chance that CC might go to lunch with me, but she did not call back. Not a great surprise.

I caught the bus downtown around 12:25 and had the scallops and shrimp gumbo at The Downtown Farmstand. Excellent.  It was so good, I decided against shopping and went back to the apartment for a nap. That nap ate up my afternoon.

No writing done. I did finish The Derry Girls. I recommend the final episode - brilliant commentary on the end of the Northern Ireland Troubles, A cameo by Liam Neeson was some of the best acting I have seen from him in years, and it was completely silent.

Since it was my birthday, I decided against both doing any dishwashing and cooking. With CC not showing up for lunch, I decided it fit within my budget to order a sandwich from Jimmy Johns.

 I did some online reading. My sister sent me a birthday email. I texted my oldest nephew his birthday greeting.

How Europe forgot its history and sleepwalked into crisis (The Times) reviews the history of European defense spending, criticizes European strategic thinking, without excusing American abandonment of Europe to Putin. 

Very much worth reading is Trump administration sets out to create an America its people have never experienced − one without a meaningful government (The Conversation). It seems to me that what seems like anarchy is actually a shifting of government services and even property to the private sector. That is to the oligarchs surrounding Trump. This strikes me as imitative of what happened to the Russian government. None of this means any good to the American citizen.

As the comments make clear, who knew Anderson had a café: Woman Shot and Killed at a Cafe in Anderson. I remember the place as a dive bar.

Gene Hackman dying feels like the end of an era 

Work calls.


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