Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Organizing Writing Sites

 While in prison, I found a list of literary sites. Too much time has gone by for me to recall the source or sources. Tonight, I went down the list and here is what I found still exists on the Internet. 

Absolute Write describes itself as 

Absolute Write is a comprehensive informational Website and community for writers of all levels. Absolute Write offers articles and information about fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, freelancing, and copywriting. In addition, we provide information about editing, publishing, agents, and market research. You’ll find links to resources and a large and active online community of writers and publishing professionals.

 I skimmed the forums, some seem up-to-date and others not so much. Still, I bookmarked the site for future reference.

Writing.Com is another community site and one I am bookmarking. Here are the reasons:

Writing.Com welcomes writers of all interests and skill levels. Whether you're a writer looking for the perfect place to store and display your poetry, stories and other writing or a reader willing to offer feedback for our writers and their writings, this is the website for you. Meet and bond with fresh creative minds!


All members may display up to ten items for free in their own portfolio. Set these to private or public display and edit any time you wish! We provide members with many ways to share these items within the community and beyond. You are also given an email address for your account for email.

For obvious reasons, I am not bookmarking WOW! Women On Writing, but it seems to me if you are a female and a writer, this site needs to be looked at closely.

A blog now, which was not on the original list but to where I was directed by the original url: Writer Beware!

 The official blog of Writer Beware® shines a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls. Also providing advice for writers, industry news, and commentary. Writer Beware® is sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.

This I am added to my RSS feed.

Writer Unboxed is a site I have bookmarked, even though I am not sure about it. I am trying to distinguish those sites centered on selling books.

Writer Unboxed is dedicated to publishing empowering, positive, and provocative ideas about the craft and business of fiction.

Founded in 2006 by Kathleen Bolton and current editorial director Therese Walsh, the site now hosts more than 50 contributors, including bestselling and rising authors and industry professionals.

Writer Unboxed has been named a best site for writers by multiple outlets over the years, and we're grateful for every mention. Writer's Digest has notably named WU a best site for writers every year since 2007.

WU is known for its robust comment section, where the conversation further evolves with the input of community members.

StoryCraft has a tab for Craft Books. Maybe I should read them, but then maybe not. It has a blog without an RSS feed, so not sure what is up with that. Its description reads:

This website was launched in June of 2009 as a resource for writers who want to explore the principles that underpin the writing of a story that works, most relevantly to novels and screenplays. It was repurposed from a site using the same URL that introduced my story coaching consulting services.

 Writing Underground is a blog, also. I also added this to my RSS feed; it seems useful and fairly current. Its creator has this to say about the site:

Hi everyone, this is Monica! I created this website to share my knowledge on how to climb up that career ladder and some helpful tips to improve your productivity in school or in your work. Every opportunity to learn is something I’m eager to take so please share your insightful ideas too! I would love to create an engaging discussion that could better our future. Can’t wait to meet you all!

There is also a newsletter at the above link.

Writing Forward looks like a site to promote coaching services and books, but then there is this:

Welcome to Writing Forward, a creative writing blog packed with tips and ideas that will inspire and inform your writing projects. You’ll find posts on grammar, good writing habits and practices, plus tons of writing prompts and exercises to keep your pen moving. Whether you’re looking for fresh ideas or trying to improve your writing, you’ve come to the right place!

Writing Forward’s mission is to share helpful and inspiring creative writing tips to benefit the greater writing community and to advocate on behalf of all writers and artists.

I added the Blog to my feed. 

Janet Reid, Literary Agent seems pretty much self-explanatory and so much for appearances. The posts are personal. Pay attention to the links on the side - literary organizations, query letter advice, and the like.

Red Sofa Literary is a Minneapolis based literary agency. If I ever get anything done needing an agent....

sch 8/30/22


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