Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday Morning

It has been cold. I have been spending money on taxis to get me home from work. I have a sore throat I cannot get rid of. There do not seem to be any walk-in clinics here. K says it us because of covid. Doing cough syrup snd gargling. This is the remains of a sinus infection. I attribute all this to too much inhaling of steam at work.

I called this morning. I felt I have been neglecting her nut also to touch base pn when she could take me to Noblesville so my PO can new laptop. She days next Monday, so I got an email to my PO.

I read a little bit of Angela Carter last night and playing to continue today. Interesting so far.

I got to sheriff's this morning to register. I am still there, waiting for the bus.

Otherwise, life goes on. Let.s have Fleetwood Mac play us out.


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