Monday, January 10, 2022

After Self Publishing

Writer's Digest published s three part series on self-publishing. I have read only the third part On The Business of Self-Publishing: So, You're Self-Published, Now What?. Marketing issues abound but also encouragement:

"On the thought of "Now what?" Katy Regnery, a self-published romance writer who is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, explained the idea that too often self-published authors are so in love with their first book that they waste valuable years and effort pushing a book as opposed to building a collection for people to read through. Her answer to “Now what?” is to begin writing the next book immediately. Having multiple books written allows for a key money-making idea—give books away for free.


 However, the concept of self-publishing not having that validity of literary authority is an odd one, especially considering how the history of self-publishing includes literary greats such as Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, Mark Twain, and many others. Even if you have your heart set on traditional publishing, self-publishing can give you the opportunity to get there.

I have planned for a long time to publish my plays online - not much of a market, not likely to find a producer who wants to associate with me - but I have quite a few of them. I also have these two manuscripts that are longer than find most publishers want and too short to be novels which have me thinking of Substack for self-publishing. So I will keep my eye on self-publishing articles and reporting on them here.



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