Thursday, January 13, 2022

Making Hoosiers Look Like Morons

Something from a few days ago that really polished the image of Indiana for the wider world.

ADL Slams Indiana State Senator: 'There's Nothing Neutral About Nazism' was published by HuffPost:

Last Wednesday, Sen. Scott Baldwin told history teacher Matt Bockenfeld that he doesn’t discredit Marxism, Nazism, fascism or “any of those isms out there.”

Here is his profile on the Indiana Senate site. Great, he is an Anderson native. Of course he represents that bastion of the Republicans - Hamilton County. A Marine ought to know there is one thing reason discrediting Marxism and fascism and Nazism - the millions killed by those isms.

Someone must have told Senator Baldwin he was a moron. The Guardian published GOP state senator walks back comments on Nazi history in schools:

Baldwin has since walked back on his remarks. In an email to the Indianapolis Star last Thursday, he said that his intention with the bill was to make sure teachers are being impartial when discussing and teaching “legitimate political groups”.


 The bill prohibits kindergarten through 12th grade schools from teaching students that “any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, or political affiliation” is inherently superior, inferior, racist, sexist, oppressive. Teachers would also be prohibited from making individuals feel “discomfort, guilt, anguish, responsibility or any other form of psychological distress” when it comes to meritocracy and the notion that it was created by one group to oppress another.

So much for teaching Indiana children critical thinking. So much for freedom of thought in Indiana. Welcome to a brave new world of governmentally imposed ideology for the State of Indiana.


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