Monday, November 29, 2021

3 Bus Monday

Work on Sunday was almost a disaster. 

The good things were I did get to see this.liturgy, listen to Kallistos Timothy Ware on the beauty of Orthodoxy and the ordination of women, and watch all of Yesterday. I managed to also write a few more notes and neglect John Dos Passos for one more day.

Then I started off to work. I was not out of the parking the pain in my left hip and knee kicked in. No problems all day since I never left the room. It hurt so bad, I had to sit down in the mail. If I could have gotten internet access I was ready to call work and beg off appearing since I did not think I could make the next half mile. I did it. I needed the money snd didn't want to leave them short-handed. Good thing I did. Someone there told me to do some lunges. That cut my pain in half. Still, I mostly unstacked items as they came out of the dishwashing machine. I let the kid run the dishes. It was mostly a dull steady numbness by the time I got out. I had a taxi take me home. There went a bit more than 30 minutes of wages.

I tidied up this morning. I tried making an appointment for mental health counseling. (I will taking a trip there tomorrow.) I also found I have another chore tomorrow - find a new primary care doctor  (I am so tired of my painful hip.) I wrote a little while listening to Blues, Off The Record. The cleaning guy showed up and I headed to Dollar General for groceries. When I got back, I heated up last night's leftovers, read some more articles, wrote some more for here, and switched the radio to WFMU. That kept me busy until it was time to catch the 1:45 bus downtown to catch the 2:30 Justice Center bus which left here at the Justice Center until it returns at 4:10 to take me to the 4:45 North Walnut bus. I will be at work with no time to spare.

I keep yawning. It is a bit too warm. I have 38 minutes before bus arrives. I have proven myself a law-abiding villain by doing my sex offender registry thing. And this where I leave you this Cyber Monday.


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