Friday, August 27, 2021

Plague Day #4

 Ah, we have a suspected case of Covid in 5751. They are in lockdown since last evening. We expect death to strike us all. Why shouldn't we? We are sitting ducks. Still, I do not feel the anxiety of some. I assume death and I will finally meet so I need to get my work done.

I got the "Stacy Goes East" segment done for my novel. I fear underwriting more than overwriting.

I finished Mongoliad: Book One. I picked this up because of Neal Stephenson's name being attached. This book held my interest - not as much as an actual Neal Stephenson book - but I found myself more taken with it than by Jonathan Franzen's The Twenty-seventh City

My lower back hurts. Most everybody is sleeping their time away. Trying not to get too obsessed with playing chess with Charlie G. I try napping & everyone is up & making noise.

I got letters off to Gayann and E-. Have to write to Melissa since her phone is going straight to voicemail. Gayann put in a line about her health and E- wrote a bit about what was shutting down. Gayann also wrote about Plyspace in Muncie. It is the part of town where I used to run around with CC. Looks like Muncie is cleaning up the area. Also: a sign of how a real university can contribute to the town in which it is,

It is almost 10 am. I'm going to hunt down Charlie G.



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