Friday, August 27, 2021

Danny Trejo Does an Autobiography

 The man can write like he can act: Danny Trejo on Doing Time with Charles Manson and Finding Freedom in the Boxing Room. And this was just as true at a low security facility like Fort Dix FCI:

Some guys did their time reading, playing chess, running the track, or playing pinochle. Each of these was an escape to another world—there were four guys at SQ who would play pinochle for a whole day, then leave the cards so they could return to them the next. The guys who didn’t have something like that went crazy. For me, it was boxing. Whenever I was boxing, I wasn’t in the penitentiary. My mind was in another world. And it did more than pass the time. Like the firefighting I’d done in juvie and afterward at the adult Conservation Camps, it felt important.

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