Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving: The Best and The Worse of Indiana

 I cannot remember what happened Tuesday - I went to FedEx after work and got a document printed. Then I came home. The exterminator had been here. I heard something crawling under the kitchen sink. It had claws. I heard them when I stamped my foot on the kitchen floor. When the pest control guy called back, he told me there had been something under the sink, again, but that he had tried to fix the hole there and in the corner. As I told KH, if Rasputin has returned, then he has earned his name. However, I do not think it was Rasputin. Whatever I scared made more noise than the rat ever did, and it sounded larger. I saw a possum in the neighborhood. As I also told KH, I prefer a possum to a rat; he sounded like he liked neither idea. Poison is spread, and a trap is set under the sink. I am tired of having a menagerie under my sink.

I want to quit my job. It is tiring me out. Only  I do not think I can do so any time soon. What I should be doing is writing. Until I can get the money from my dad's trust, I will need to work harder on time management. That is the project for this weekend.

Middletown wants to know if I will renew my lease. It depends on the rent change, if any. That the wildlife continues to visit makes me want to leave, but I may not have the money for a damage deposit elsewhere. I need to rent a car twice in January and may need to do so this coming month. I will need to pay for the retaking of the polygraph. I may even need to tighten my belt tighter.

There are food banks that I need to visit. 

I slept away most of Wednesday. I made it to the Sheriff's for my 90-day visit, but that was all. No writing. I got one post for here done.

This e-mail is from the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association and the Delaware County IN Sheriffs Office to remind SAMUEL HASLER of the requirement to report to the Sheriff’s Office.  In order to remain compliant, this offender must appear in person within the next seven days to Delaware County IN Sheriffs Office to update and validate their sex offender registry information. Failure to appear at the Delaware County IN Sheriffs Office will result in a felony warrant for their arrest. If the offender does not live at this residence, please report this information to the Sheriff’s Office so that we may stop future messages.

For any questions regarding this notification, contact Delaware County IN Sheriffs Office. The telephone number is 765-747-7885.

This reminder has been sponsored by the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association and the <Sheriff’s Office>. 

Your tax dollars at work. I guess there was not enough to specify the county in the last paragraph. My next deadline is 2/25/2025. I think there are only 22 more years of doing this.

Off to lunch with CC and John sometime today. I have gotten most of my Thanksgiving messages out. I have only been up since 10 AM. The mail is under control.

While taking a shower, I came up with an idea that might make my ideas about Indiana history into a play. I sent those ideas off to KH for a critique.

Such has been my Thanksgiving.

Now for the worse of Indiana this week.

Anderson police officer arrested for child solicitation. I have noticed this trend in the news in the past few months - police officers going after teenagers. This interests me, being the villain that the federal government has pigeonholed me as being. And, of course, doing my SORNA checkup this week. The studies show that contact crimes are committed by people in close proximity in positions of power. SORNA is not protecting kids from these people. Actually, I am not sure who is protected by SORNA. It does justify salaries and encourages moral superiority in those who maintain and advocate for such lists.

Speaking of moral superiority, Docs: Indiana correctional officer trafficked meth, tobacco into prison so he could get a go-kart. Prisons leave guards thinking they are morally superior to the inmates. This makes the exploitation of the inmates so much easier.

Now for the good side of things: Action plan aims to bolster arts community in Muncie. Good job, Muncie.

Executive Director Marcy Minton says the foundation wants to create a strong sense of belonging for creatives through the plan.

Minton told Inside INdiana Business that one of the first goals is to establish a true arts service organization that will serve as the backbone of the plan.

“[Artspace] took a look at our strong arts district at Ball State University, but also arts anchors that are downtown, like Cornerstone Center for the Arts, Madjax, Muncie Civic Theater and others, as well as Minnetrista here in Muncie, and how those really hubs of activity in the arts are are synchronizing together here in Muncie, and how we could sync them up better,” she said. “Having the structure be solidified and through very specific connections was important to the community.”



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