Friday, September 20, 2024

Trump Does Have A Limit, and Chuck Todd Wrote A Lament We Should All Read

 I suppose a criminal like me should like Mark Robinson. No, a criminal like me wants this kind of guy far away from power. All that it might do is wake up certain groups that certain politicians give them lip service and talk tough on crime and when they open their phones their real morality shows ups.

Why MAGA Candidate’s Latest Scandal Finally Scares Team Trump 

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is a Hitler-quoting, gay-bashing, conspiracy-touting antisemite, and has drawn immediate comparisons to Donald Trump for his bombastic orations and loyal GOP following, along with his own laundry list of controversies.

On Thursday, a bombshell CNN report revealed that Robinson had written on a pornography website’s message board about his desire to own slaves, his peeping in women’s locker rooms, and his enjoyment of transgender porn.


In light of the story, the Trump campaign reportedly told Robinson that he was no longer welcome to attend rallies for either candidate on the Republican presidential ticket, according to an anonymous source that spoke with the Journal. Robinson had been scheduled to appear at a rally for J.D. Vance on Wednesday but backed out after his office announced Robinson had fallen ill.

The North Carolina “Black Nazi” Who Could Cost Trump the Presidency 

DONALD TRUMP ONCE CALLED Mark Robinson “Martin Luther King on steroids,” but old internet posts make the North Carolina lieutenant governor sound more like a perverted Louis Farrakhan.

“I’m a black NAZI!” Robinson wrote pseudonymously on the message board of a pornographic website in 2010, according to CNN. The network also reported Thursday that, during the period from 2008 to 2012 when he left comments on the website, Robinson used the antisemitic slur “hebe” and praised Adolf Hitler.

Robinson, the GOP’s controversial nominee for governor in the swing state, also allegedly posted about enjoying “tranny” pornography, a vice that conflicts with his anti-transgender conservative Christian rhetoric as a politician. He denied making the incendiary comments or even using the website in question, Nude Africa.


Robinson, CNN reported, said he liked Adolf Hitler’s leadership more than Obama’s in 2012 (“I’d take Hitler over any of the shit that’s in Washington right now!”), expressed no reservations about bringing back slavery for some people, and made more slurs about blacks, whites, Jews, Muslims, and gays.

Yes, I do not like Trump and I will be voting for Harris, but I wholeheartedly endorse this op/ed piece by Chuck Todd of NBC: What if we can't unite? 

Come Jan. 21, we all are going to be living in the same country and sharing the same group of people as our elected representatives. We need leaders who accept that there are major political differences between us and that governing needs to be incremental and not radical.

Right now, our political information ecosystem doesn’t reward incrementalism or nuance, instead punishing both and, more to the point, rewarding those who make up the best stories.

Most Americans have an instinct of de-escalation when things get heated, and yet most elected officials in the modern era are incentivized to behave the opposite way.

What concerns me the most is whether most Americans have been so distorted by how information travels through the social media funhouse mirror that we’ve forgotten about how much we all have in common. If we don’t find our way out of this maze of distorted reflections, this will only get worse.

There is wisdom in these words.

sch 9/19 


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