Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Liturgy in Muncie

We did the first liturgy in Muncie. Think Mass for the Orthodox. I used my accumulated vacation time for this.

It was good, reassuring, to be part of such a community. The thing I was wrong about, which I think fed my depression, was the idea that the spirit does not exist, does not matter, and that it does matter is a lesson I keep being taught.

I found the Desert Fathers taught me much. CC says there is no way Christianity can deal with today's problems which did not exist millennia ago. I tried arguing with her on this point – just as I tried arguing that no one was beyond redemption. (She claims she is that.) From my understanding of Orthodox Christianity, the only person who is beyond redemption is the person who refuses to repent. Where I got my understanding is not limited to the Desert Fathers, it is that they occupy a large part of their own and infuse everything else. I could not get CC to even attempt a change; I have not spoken to here in more than a month. I would have her listen to the following, I hope you do so:


Keep your head, all will be well.

We went to eat afterwards. This got me home around 11:30. I have spent the last three hours working on dinner, reading and working on this blog. I need now to get hold of Gabb.

A trip to McClure's will be in the near future. Otherwise, here I stay and work. It is a gloomy and chilly day.


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