Monday, January 9, 2023

The Rest of Monday

 The morning and early afternoon went well, and then nothing after 3 pm.

I made the bus as planned. On the way downtown, I called my niece. She was in a one-vehicle wreck last night - stitches, bruises, and a headache. When I got downtown, I had a dilemma. I thought the restaurant would be open at Ivy Tech. It was not. Against my better judgment, optimism never really works for me, I walked down to the Caffeinery. I do not drink coffee; I hoped for a bagel and milk. I got a muffin and a small apple cider. The cider was a mistake - too bloody hot; almost boiling hot. I had forgotten this. The staff got me a cold one. All that set me back $8. I will not go back.

I talked to KH on the way back to the bus station. My bus to the counselor was late, but it got me there with enough time to walk over to Wendy's for a hamburger. 

The session went well and overtime. I missed the 12:45 bus, so I walked over to Walgreen's for Ben-Gay. I also got a small pizza.

I had other things to do, but the hamburger I had from Wendy's sent me home from the bus station. I called my sister and spoke with my cousin Paul. I think he wants me to move to Kokomo. It does have an Orthodox Church. The lack of sleep got me to take a nap. Still, I felt too beat for any serious thinking.

I warmed up the pizza for dinner.

I did find the blog Class 900: Indianapolis, which covers Indianapolis history and is a rather cool site. I found that while looking up the Real Silk Strike. About that, I found my Great-Aunt Elsie was 27 when she played scab.  

I had open tabs for places to submit my stories. The "Dead and Dying Stories" are too long, so I sent out the latest revision of "Colonel Tom."

All of the above came from a list provided by Write or Die Magazine.

Tomorrow I must deal with the attorney on Dad's estate, the woman who was typing up my novel, groceries, and finish some legal research. All that after work. God willing, it will be done.

sch 10:202 pm

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