Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Scrambled Eggs

 I have no idea where the title comes from.

After eight hours toting a lot of boxes, my arms ache and I am tired. I skipped Payless for Dollar General, still spent about $15. K was in town, she picked me up on McGalliard and dropped me off at Dollar General. She brought a late Christmas, some clothes. I walked back from Dollar General.

Back in the room, I ate dinner and showered and sat down to write up this note. It will be short.

"Exemplary Employee" got a rejection: 


We are sorry to inform you that your Work entitled Exemplary Employee does not meet our needs. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to read it.

The readers may have included some comments on your work which could be useful. Comments can be seen below. Keep in mind this is only the opinion of one magazine. We wish you the best in your future writing career, and hope to see more of your work.

Please do not reply to this email notice.

1). The writing is good, but it is pretty clear from the start that this is what we call a "victim" story. There is no possible hope for your protagonist and he has no agency. We are looking for more character-driven work.

The Editors

I sent it on to KH, asking if it ought not be put on the back burner. The character I wanted to examine was the society. Oh, well. I called KH, asked if he had any confidential documents, and we think we know why they rejected this one. An experiment looms.

 "Colonel Tom" got another rejection:

We appreciated the chance to read "Colonel Tom." Unfortunately, we do not feel the piece is a good fit for us right now. We wish you luck with it elsewhere, and hope that you consider submitting more work with us in the future.

The Emerson Review

Going through the email: 

Canon for Racial Reconciliation 


Irmos: By establishing me on the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my mouth over my enemies, and my spirit rejoices when I sing: There is none holy as our God, and none righteous beside Thee, O Lord.

Glory to God for all the flowers in His garden

Putting behind Noah’s curse (Gen 9:26), we press “toward the mark for the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” by seeing the mark of God upon each face. (Phil 4:14)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Splintered by callous condemnation, Noah’s sons split the races in three.  But the blood of the Second person of the Trinity filled the divide, restoring a common humanity in Christ.

Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Most-holy Theotokos, not only hast thou joined man to God but thou hast also begun the process of reconciling man to man and race to race.

 I have an idea out of our debt ceiling crisis, an old idea and not one I originated, for details go here.

Signing off. I have some legal research to do, and then to bed. Meanwhile, I am listening to KFAI's Crap From The Past.

sch 8:03 pm


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