Tuesday, January 17, 2023

James Jones Literary Society

 Reading Kurt Vonnegut today (which I posted under Did Novelists Die Out?), and he mentioned James Jones. I read From Here to Eternity decades ago, maybe in high school, as my mother's mother had a copy among her books. I had a copy of Whistle, which I never did read. Only when I got to prison did I get to read The Thin Red Line and to Whistle. (And here I have to thank my own folly, the United States Congress, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Indiana, and the United States Bureau of Prisons for giving me the time to read James Jones.) Well, I decided to see what there was online about James Jones.

Google turned up a basketball player and a football player. Finding the novelist took a bit more of an effort (which only reinforces my thoughts about the frailty of a literary reputation), but it led me to the James Jones Literary Society. There I found the following:

Check him out. He does not deserve to be forgotten. 

sch 12/31/22

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