Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blown Out on the Road

 Tired from a too long day at work. Another of those days when too little has gone right. I got home at 5 pm after a stop at McClure's. Dined and showered and fighting to stay awake when I need to do some writing done.

"Colonel Tom" rejected, again. The story everyone likes except editors.

Dear Samuel Hasler,

Thank you so much for sending us 'Colonel Tom'. This time, however, we're saying no, but we wish you the best of luck with your piece.


Editorial staff

The Forge Literary Magazine

Well, that was short and sweet. This took 9 days.

This morning I sent "Masque of the Red Death" off to Sunspot Lit and "Best of Intentions" to Of Rust and Glass. I thought of sending "True Love Ways Gone Astray", but they were allowing more words and are a Midwestern journal and it seemed "Best of Intentions" might interest them.

Of course, Indiana has to show its ass in public: Indiana Republican announces his plans for 'anti-woke caucus'

Going hog wild: Saving the Hogs of Ossabaw Island.

By the way, Of Rust and Glass has a blog with author interviews. I have not had time to check them out.

Still in mourning: From the archives: Hear Jeff Beck’s World Cafe session from over a decade ago 

And here I will end for the night.


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