Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday's Hunt

I caught the 11:45 Whitely bus downtown, I was on the hunt for CC. While on my way downtown, I kept considering what I would say and not say. From what I found last night, she looks to still be in the life. I have had enough with the adventures of crime. The decision made was to make my apologies and thank her for giving me the information that kept me alive in prison, and I would also tell her about the stories she inspired. I caught the Southway bus, getting off as close as I could to her address. That she was shacked up with Chris P. did not bother me, as did her moving in with Billy. Chris and CC had too long a history. What I finally realized was that I was done with her. So, no jealousy. I walked up to where she was supposed to be. I rang the doorbell. No answer. I knocked on the door. No answer. I walked back down to the bus stop. This was a very small possibility. Waiting for the bus, I called KH; which is when he said he would call me back. I decided I would try again on another day, at another time. I will not give her my phone number. Maybe I will send her a Christmas card. If I do not find her, I have the date in February for her pretrial conference. From the station, I caught the Mall bus back north. I stopped at McClure's for RC Cola before returning to the room. Returning empty-handed was not such a  bother as much as the time away from typing up my journal.

So, I came home to wait on KH to call, eat lunch, and work on my pretrial detention journal. 

Of the writing, I got three posts written. I may be past halfway through the notebook.

I am listening to Why Read The Master And Margarita? Review & Analysis. I read The Master and Margarita while in prison, and I thought it great. I think if you listen to the 11 minutes of this lecture, you will think it worthwhile to hunt down this novel.

Today, just now, I also learned there is a whole website for the novel. Wow.

LitHub published Life Got You Down? Time to Read The Master and Margarita (just found this, too, just now), and I must agree with this paragraph:

If many Russian classics are dark and deep and full of the horrors of the blackness of the human soul (or, indeed, are about the Gulag), then this is the one book to buck the trend. Of all the Russian classics, The Master and Margarita is undoubtedly the most cheering. It’s funny, it’s profound and it has to be read to be believed. In some ways, the book has an odd reputation. It is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest novels of the 20th century and as a masterpiece of magical realism, but it’s very common even for people who are very well read not to have heard of it, although among Russians you have only to mention a cat the size of a pig and apricot juice that makes you hiccup and everyone will know what you are talking about. Most of all, it is the book that saved me when I felt like I had wasted my life. It’s a novel that encourages you not to take yourself too seriously, no matter how bad things have got. The Master and Margarita is a reminder that, ultimately, everything is better if you can inject a note of silliness and of the absurd. Not only is this a possibility at any time; occasionally, it’s an absolute necessity: “You’ve got to laugh. Otherwise you’d cry.”

I found my last Tide pod. No need to go to Dollar General tomorrow! 

Following the one podcast, YouTube lined up Snap Judgment #5 wherein Apex Magazine editors go through manuscript selections. Wish I had seen this before I submitted one of my stories here. I will call this video helpful.

Back to typing up my journal.

It is 7;20 pm. KH has not called. This chair is hurting my back, and I am getting a bit tired of typing. Having no plans to go anywhere else, I will close out here. I do have plans to watch Amsterdam on HBO.


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