Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday Morning: Second Round

 The hip woke me at a little after 8 am. It is now almost 10. 

I tried watching The Counselor on HBO. It has a Cormac McCarthy script and a great cast, and I still cannot muster any interest. I recall reading it bombed. The problem seems to me to be direction; more specifically, the actual filming. We have McCarthy's portentous words and a flat image.

I am now at the computer, listening to WMBR, and doing a little reading before I plunge into working on my pretrial detention notes. The day is cold, still gloomy, and I smell like Ben-Gay, but I do not feel the tendrils of depression curling around my heart, quite the opposite. 

After I finish here, I will go looking for CC. KH says to leave her alone. My feeling is I have debts to pay, and I want them done. From what I found out last night, she continues with the life we were both too old to be living 20 years ago. I do not see us continuing our acquaintance. I cannot say I am nervous, or feeling anxiety at undertaking this task today; annoyance at taking time away from my writing is all I feel.

The reading so far has been:

From The Guardian: Jessica Chastain: ‘I will never be angry at a woman for doing what she has to do to survive’ (the government keeps questioning about my interactions with youngsters when they should be worried about me and 40-year-old women, they do interest me and Chastain with her intelligence and talent makes my heart go thump) and The US is a rogue state leading the world towards ecological collapse (this was the idea underlying my story "Death and a Kiss"; not sure whether to feel good for seeing my story's idea has a basis in the real world, or scared that my story has a basis in the real world.) 

From Merriam-Webster: Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. 4. I would like not to have this blog called blatherskite for all my readership withers away.

From The Muncie Star-Press: Muncie, Lafayette, Richmond recruit at-home workers one family at a time. Yes, Ball State plays a part, but so does the local culture. Having been around people from the coast for 10 years, I think they would move if they could get the same things they had out east. You would be surprised how Italian-Americans do not like the idea of Hawaiian pizza. I notice Anderson get no mention in this article, Well, local culture is what it is. Anderson City Council just nixed upgrading the water system.

From Nuvo: Brown County State Park ranks sixth in country for beauty. I think it has been 50 years since I was to Brown County State Park. Just one of those things. How to get there now is an open question. Maybe I should get back to work on getting my driver's license. I can rent a car. Hmm.

Scotland's National Book Awards 2022. I should probably google the books and see which ones are available in the US. I have to get to other things, see what you like, and do the googling! I am still stuck with the idea of an Indiana award. The state wants to improve its college attendance and graduation. Why not put up a state backed prize for Indiana writers, to show the state's interest in the fruits of education?

From The Paris Review: At Proust Weekend: The Madeleine Event. As much as I like Proust, this does make me think of a Star Trek convention.

Well, there I go to do some other writing. I also want to research some grants. The #5 bus comes by just before the hour. I think I will be leaving on my search in 2 hours. I can do some writing and eat lunch here.

With a wink at KH and with my expedition in mind, I will let The Ramones have the last word, for now:

sch 10:30

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