Thursday, December 8, 2022

Ruined Thursday, Going Nowhere

 I woke, meaning to go to work. I got off a post this morning, but I did not mention the sheer pain in my arm. Thinking I would go in late, I laid down and called in sick instead. Whatever made me feel woozy still seems unclear. Needing groceries, I caught the 12:30 bus and went to Payless and came back close to 3 pm. I splurged on raspberry sherbet (I have no idea why it is so rare nowadays) and the same weariness came back. Back to bed, then up at 5 pm. It was dark as night outside, the outdoor lights were on. I ate dinner, read through my email, before working up the energy to go down to McClure's for a pack of smokes. I came back to do some writing. Three posts done related to books and writing; nothing for Pretrial Detention. It is now almost 8 pm.

Short takes:

  1. Who Protects Your Vote? The 'Independent State Legislature Theory,' Explained
  2. Experts predict increases in depression in winter months due to seasonal affective disorder   
  3. The White House unveils a new system to track and better prevent opioid overdoses  
  4. Hello! You’ve Been Referred Here Because You’re Wrong About Twitter And Hunter Biden’s Laptop  
  5. Heinrich XIII: the prince suspected of plotting to be German kaiser in coup  (Who knew Germany still had royalty? I didn't. Wikepedia has an the entry List of German monarchs in 1918)
  6. The Lost History of No-Fault Divorces 
  7. Nobel Peace Prize winner gives Americans a very timely wake-up call about authoritarianism 
  8. I Have Wedded Fyve! The Wife of Bath: A Biography By Marion Turner 
  9. Five Character-Driven Mystery Novels from European Authors 
  10. How Hollywood Made J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I. Into the Mythical "G-Men" 
  11. Thrilled and Intrigued: An Appreciation of Classic British Thrillers (Nice to see someone appreciating Eric Ambler and Geoffrey Household).
  12. How Trump and MAGA Allies Are Defending Violent Jan. 6th Rioters (What I heard from Blacks while in prison, the D.C. jail is a mess; I doubt the convicted rioters ever worried about the inmates before their own convictions. Whiners, losers, still dangerous children playing with guns.)

Politico's Ope, sorry: Midwestern House Dems push for leaders between the coasts  deserves a bit more attention - I am from Indiana, after all. 

Rep. Debbie Dingell summed up the warning while recently pitching herself for a caucus leadership position. The Michigander presented fellow House Democrats with a map showing the home states of their top leaders — a constellation of dots up and down the nation’s two coasts, with virtually nothing in between.

The sight stunned many lawmakers. Within hours, her map was in front of President Joe Biden. Dingell lost her leadership race, to a Californian no less, but she’s breaking through with her call for the party to home in on the middle of the country or risk losing ground in 2024.

“Debbie’s message was a really important one,” said Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), a fellow Midwesterner. “That map, essentially, is the evidence that our adversaries have been using against us for some time now, which is: We’re the coastal party.”

Dingell is launching what she’s dubbed the Heartland Caucus, a group of Democrats who plan to advocate on manufacturing, trade and other economic issues that they see as critical to repairing their party’s tarnished brand back home. Midwestern Democrats are banding together at a critical time, with their region hosting several must-win Senate races next year as the party prepares to elevate Michigan in its White House primary ballot — but at the expense of Iowa, another heartland state.

About time, probably long overdue. I may be liberal here, but I do roll my eyes at the progressives more interested in pronouns than economics. Real people here are concerned with staying alive first and foremost. If the Democrats do not take them seriously, will not listen to them, they will become MAGA Republicans. What other choice do they have?

I saw Star Wars in 1977 at the Eastwood Theater. I have not been happy with the franchise since The Empire Strikes Back, excepting Rogue One, The Mandalorian, and The Last Jedi (I liked a grumpy Luke). Now I may have found another entry to watch: ‘Andor’ Shows Us Star Wars Without Heroes.

And for those wanting news: News from the States Where I found the following headlines for Indiana: 

Okay, I have a few other things to write about, and I will be going nowhere. 


10:00 pm

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