Monday, October 3, 2022

State Supreme Court Chief Justices Oppose Federals Negating Judical Review

 Could be, the so-called conservative justices might just overthrow federalism and democracy in the coming year. 

From Daily Kos' In rare intervention, state chief justices warn SCOTUS away from blowing up federalism:

In a rare foray of state courts’ chief justices into U.S. Supreme Court matters, the Conference of Chief Justices filed a brief - this month to weigh in against the radical, once-fringe elections law fight brought by North Carolina lawmakers, Moore v. Harper. The Republican lawmakers are using the “independent state legislatures” theory, and—long-debunked fraudulent arguments for it—to eliminate the role of the state courts in providing a check on gerrymandering and voter suppression,

The Conference is comprised of Chief Justice John Roberts equivalents for all 50 of the states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S, territories. In our federalist system, states are recognized as sovereign governments within the limits proscribed by the Constitution. “State sovereignty includes the power of each state to structure its own government and determine the relationships between the legislative and judicial branches,” the conference argues in its brief. If the SCOTUS finds for the lawmakers, they would be mandating an erosion of those state-level checks and balances, taking away the role of state courts in reviewing legislative decisions about federal elections.

What are these conservatives conserving? Nothing. People like to think themselves conservative because of its connotations of prudence and good common sense and moderation. Nothing is further from describing the Justices brought to this country by Mitch McConnell and Donald J. Trump. They are radicals who hate the country, who want to grab power for themselves, who wish to do away with democracy except for those they call their own.

Time for democracy in America:

sck 9/28/22

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