Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Crime & Punishment & Another Saturday Night (Part 2) 4/22/2010

 So what will 15 or even 5, years of imprisonment mean? For me, I do not know for sure. I have thought about this quite a bit in the last few days. One fellow lost it a few nights ago. He was about 5 -10 years older than me. He was probably the only person here less sociable than myself. Not only that, but he also talked to himself more than I do. He started talking out loud, muttering insensibly, and then he started kicking the bunk above him, and finished by hitting himself with his fist. They took him away the next day.

I see some waiting for trial or sentencing. Others are coming out of prison for re-entry into the real world. Except for one or two older fellows, I have serious doubts about the mental health of most of them. If the general public hopes prison not only punishes but breaks people, then the general public should take pride in what I see. The public will also be taking care of them until their deaths, as the four I have in mind will be incapable of employment and supporting themselves. Give me fifteen yeas, and will my brains be as scrambled as these men, and will I be as much a burden to the taxpayers? Unless I decide to stop being a burden to one and all.

With me out in 5 years, I could still support myself, and hopefully have some energy remaining to still do some good for the world, other than being a subject for a beating. The downside would seem to lie on my side - at 15 years I can get rid of my debtors, no one will remember me shaming myself - for the likelihood many in Anderson who will remember me, and their memories will lash me like a whip. I suppose to some that may seem an inadequate punishment. I ask them would they rather be constantly reminded of your greatest sin and misdeed and failure, or stuck away in a box where no one knows your errors?

The correct answer is neither, but too late for virtue here.


[To be continued.]

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