Friday, July 1, 2022

The Novel as Savior

 Let me begin by saying there is only one savior for this world. Go over to my menu on right hand of the screen, go to the archives for the topic of religion, and you will see what I mean. This is not a new attitude. It is a very old one. This has kept me from confusing worldly entertainments from a solution for the ills of this world. Philosophy was a help as much as being raised in church. I went away from rationality for quite some distance where I came to thinking nothing would save the world or myself. Here is one of my returns to an earlier way of thinking.

Which thinking left me susceptible to Lincoln Michel's When Will Novels Fix Society Already?. I buy his argument that the answer to his question is most likely never but

...The novel’s job is not necessarily to be political, though I like political novels, or to deconstruct systems and society, although I love system novels and social novels.

The novel doesn’t have a job. Or it has a million jobs to choose from, and each individual novel can pick what fits.

If we do not read, if we do not write, then the world will be a far worse place. Let us be creative and hope we can improve the world, ourselves.

sch 6/16/22

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