Saturday, July 9, 2022

Lucky I can Make It From A to B

I did make it to wok yesterday. Forty minutes late, but I made it. The COPD acted up. The building felt too humid, too airless. I made it to 2 pm. 

I had plans. Get the tax forms printed. Missed the #6 bus. That route has always been a jinx - I was looking for it in one direction while it departed in another.

I decided to just go back to the room. I took the wrong bus. I looked up from deleting my email to see that I was in the wrong part of Muncie. It was a nice ride - a half hour was gone.

I did get to check my bank balance.

I did manage to fix my dinner. I also dozed off while listening to WPRB. Nothing much else accomplished other than get through my email and articles I had saved for reading and writing up a few posts. Not much of what I needed doing got done. Decided to push that all off to today.

Cool breezes this morning. Closing now to catch the bus. I will lucky if I do not fall and break my neck. I have to laugh at the government worries about my dangerousness to the wider world. I have trouble remembering to shave my face let alone anything more complicated!



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