Thursday, June 30, 2022

Greg Pence and Literary Voices on Abortion

I signed onto a DailyKos form letter about abortion. The letter went to my Congressman and Senators.

This was the response from Greg Pence:

June 28, 2022

Dear Mr. Hasler,

Thank you for contacting my office regarding the recent Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views on this important matter, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

I am pleased to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade (1973) and correctly return the right to protect unborn children back to the states and elected officials. After nearly fifty years, this historic ruling will save countless lives. This decision truly marks a win for life, families, and freedom.

I faithfully support protecting those who cannot protect themselves and will always back this mission with every vote I cast. As a nation, we must protect and defend the sanctity of life. I believe that the right to life is sacred and unalienable, as proclaimed by our founding documents. Our fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness precede the existence of government. It is our duty to ensure the voiceless and the defenseless are cared for, which is why I proudly support the Hyde Amendment and am a cosponsor of bills like H.R. 619, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Rest assured, I will continue fighting for laws that support mothers, children, and families at every stage of life and promote a culture of life and human dignity. We must never give up in the fight for life.

As your Representative in Congress, it is an honor to serve Hoosiers of Indiana's Sixth Congressional District. You can visit my website at to learn more about how I am representing you in Congress.

Nothing on the subject from my Senators.

I know Pence sent a form letter, I expected this, and find nothing wrong in it being a firm letter. But I have to wonder what support goes to mothers. I should take the time to see how this Pence voted on gun safety. Sanctity of life surely extends past the fetus stage.

I had one thought reading The Supreme Court’s Unusual Move on the Death Penalty that is relevant to the abortion topic. I thought does not the Roman Catholic oppose the death penalty? I do not see Justice Alito voting with the majority. Sanctity of what life?

Meanwhile over in Illinois: Republican Who Hailed Abortion Decision As Win For ‘White Life’ Wins House Primary

LitHub published  Essential reading: literary voices respond to the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. 


They hope these works will make sense of what has just happened in this country.

sch 6/29/22

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