Saturday, June 25, 2022

Friday, Not So Profitable

I am beginning to see a bad trend for Fridays. I overslept. Then I thought I could get my Social Security card. I did not. Twice I was on the phone with them and was disconnected. I did not have the energy to get on the bus. I did not have the energy to go any further than McClure's. I had this headache and nausea. I did the email. I did some writing. I napped. I did not feel like getting groceries, so I got a pizza delivered. After talking to a fellow about my disability claim and calling in sick, I did not have the energy to call anyone on the phone. I watched the news from the Supreme Court. I wrote a bit for this blog. I went to sleep hoping today would be more profitable.

I got a third rejection for "Passerby":

Thank you for taking the time to submit your work to us. Unfortunately, we could not find a place for it in wildness and are unable to accept it for publication. We wish you all the best in placing your work elsewhere.

Due to the amount of submissions we are receiving, and the size of our team, we now ask that submitters wait three months before submitting again.

Kind regards,

Wildness Editors

 wildness wants formally innovative work and I guess I am not that innovative. Too old for being innovative. No, I am not losing hope or patience, just speaking my mind.

I woke before the alarm. I still have an ache in my arms and shoulder. My time so far has been spent in writing The New Dred Scott?. I need to shower and get ready for my other job. Here is the view from my front porch:

There is a part of me that does not want to move, that does not want to go anywhere. I am taking my Zoloft. Still, it is a matter of will to get me moving.


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