Saturday, May 28, 2022

Unique Idea for Preventing Mass Shootings

I did not expect the Ulvade killings to be discussed by the On Stage blog, but there was Processing Uvalde.

I read with a little with a little skepticism until stumbled across this:

There are no easy solutions in this country, but one thing that could help is more arts programs in schools.

Why? Because the arts give kids the means to express their pain in constructive ways, and it teaches them to channel their pain into powerful, and applause worthy performances.

Ultimately, that’s what kids want. They want to express their pain, and they want to feel welcomed for doing so.

And I think this well worth considering. Unlikely that it will since this idea cannot be reduced to a slogan or a soundbite or fit into a predetermined ideology. Also, it will mean work instead of talk. But for all those reasons, I think the writer correct in his prescription. That my writing has helped me control my depression and anger issues leaves me thinking this idea is a sensible one. Not the sole solution, but a sensible one.

As for what actually happens, Mass shootings typically lead to looser gun laws, not stronger ones.

Why gun control laws don’t pass Congress, despite majority public support and repeated outrage over mass shootings

sch 5/27/28

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