Thursday, May 12, 2022

An American Suicide Pact?

Okay, between 2008 and 2010, I bounced between both existence and humanity were pretty vile concepts and a stubborn streak to keep on competing. The stubbornness lost to despondency. I am not saying I still think as I did back then. My friend and my family and joining the Orthodox Church (for more on that I suggest reading my articles here.) and Zoloft have me thinking better about life. Still, I wonder if there was and is something toxic about America that influenced my craziness.

Like when I see headlines like Firearm-related homicide rate skyrockets amid stresses of the pandemic, the CDC says.

Along these lines I got this email from a friend, who signed off "Safe gun owner (YES, that means they are kept in a safe!)."

Okay I'm caught up at work and need to share this.  I am stunned that more democrats (especially progressives) haven't been stoking the "make all guns illegal" debate or lack there of. The dialogue always seems the same "guns are evil." As if anyone who puts one in their hand will suddenly and uncontrollably be compelled with the desire to point it at another human for the purpose of MURDER.

A few years ago I read an FBI report on mass shootings (>4 victims). It came to the conclusion that the vast majority of these, going back decades, had two things in common: Anger, and "revenge fantasies."  I do not believe that our society should attempt to legislate mental health.  I also believe that the because the government requires a license and proof of insurance to drive a vehicle, perhaps, in addition to a license, gun insurance for owners ain't a bad idear.  The insurance companies would soon require a mental health assessment and if you are indicative of revenge fantasies, your rates will make it exorbitantly and prohibitively expensive to own any firearm.  You have my permission to use this in a post.

I think he has a good idea unless this bad feeling I have is not my overactive imagination but is actually an unconscious  recognition that Americans want to kill themselves.

sch 5/11/22

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