Saturday, April 16, 2022

Thinking, Part 5


When younger I am not so sure I paid much attention to the virtues. Ethics how to behave towards others, but the particular virtues not so much.

In pretrial detention I found time to read Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics. Here is a list of what Aristotle thought were virtues and vices. Somewhere are my notes on reading this book. If my PO ever approves my new laptop, I will put them here. I suggest reading Aristotle, he is not a difficult writer, and this was one book that got me where I am today.

I ran into the virtues again when studying Orthodox Christianity. The Orthodox wiki has a page on the virtues. 

Please look at both lists.

I do not say I am virtuous.  I am only trying.

When I spoke last eith DM we got talking this. He had also watched the Ken Burns Ben Franklin and talked about how Franklin kept a record of his performing the virtues. He called them principles. I think they are that. They are the means to the good life. 

Living with others requires us to attempt the virtues. They are how people can live together. Here I disagree with Nietzsche - his idea that values need overthrown as being anti-life applies to an isolated individual and not people as the social creatures we also are. Those who are not humble and patient and loving and kind do things like start wars.

My life was an experiment. The Yardbirds sang

Cars and girls are easy come by in this day and age

Laughing, joking, drinking, smoking

Till I've spent my wage

When I was young people spoke of immorality

All the things they said were wrong

Are what I want to be



That did not turn out very well, did it? Seems to me it is time to do the exact opposite of what I used to do.

Time for work.



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