Sunday, April 24, 2022

Are Americans Fascists?

Do you think Trump is a conservative? Tell me what he is conserving.

Do you really think the Democrats will take your freedoms and install socialism?  You really need to examine what authoritarian governments do with individual freedoms and free enterprise. Check out Socialist Market Economies: How China, Cuba, and North Korea Work.

Explain why you think you will be exempt from the repression authoritarian governments use to maintain their authority.

My title comes from reading The New Right Has Told Us Who They Are. Why Don't Americans Believe Them? from the conservatives over at The Bulwark:

I’ll just say this: What does it mean for democracy when random tweets by progressives are more of an electoral liability at the national level than the expressed, nakedly-authoritarian preferences of a Senate candidate who has been endorsed by the once (and possibly future) president of the United States?

So are Americans fascists who pretend to believe in democracy or are they useful idiots for the fascists?

sch 4/21/22

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