Saturday, April 23, 2022

Wallace Stegner Plagiarist?

I read Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose while in prison. It is the only book of his I have read. I liked it. Then I read Sands Hall's ‘The Ways of Fiction Are Devious Indeed’. This article presents evidence and argues Stegner lifted his story whole cloth from a woman's memoir. 

I do not know what to think about the novel. Here I am trying to write my own stories with originality.  Nor is this a case like Shakespeare who stole plots but added a greater poetry. 

When I get to my notes on this novel I will need to link back to this post. I no longer fel I can recommend this novel. Ms. Hall says this about Stegner the writer, which leaves open the possibility of reading his other books:

In that 1971 letter to Janet, Stegner ends: “Wonderful. I feel like a character in literary history.” He did not mean being famous, but that what he’d done would catch up to him. It’s time it did. It’s possible to salute Stegner as a writer while acknowledging the devious skill he used in creating this novel.

I would like to read Ms. Hall's play that came out of her research. 

sch 4/7/22

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