Sunday, April 24, 2022

Abortion - Are You Ready for the Future?

I agree the future looks bleak for American women. HuffPost's A Supreme Court Ruling Gutting Roe Wouldn't Just Affect The Red States. This preceded the news from Kentucky. Did I hear that some state criminalizes residents getting abortions out of state? I suspect they will.

I agree even more with this passage from the article:

But a persistent problem for champions of abortion rights in Michigan ― and, really, the rest of country, too ― has been complacency: The minority of voters who are staunch opponents of abortion rights are on the whole more focused on their goal and more determined to act.

I omitted a link to How Right to Life has dominated Michigan abortion politics since Roe v. Wade .

I had a great aunt who voted straight ticket Republican and was vehemently pro-abortion. She died in 1986. I see no place for her in today's GOP.

Any woman pro-choice and voting Republican is a fool.

Those who have not supported or promoted pro-choice state legislative candidates are chumps.

Relying on the courts without supporting those who would not place pro-life judges on the bench was a strategy of the mindlessly optimistic unto the point of arrogance.

What needs to be done is to give support to state legislators who are pro-choice who will then legislate for the majority.

sch 4/15/22

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