Tuesday, February 22, 2022

What Was Monday

 What was Monday 2/21/22:

  1. Up and at it early to a warmer weather
  2. Clear skies at the bus station
    with moon to the left.

  3. Running out of plastic spoons to unpack and being sent to an assembly line.
  4. Getting a blood blister (that burst) and a cramped left hand from putting plastic collars on catsup bottles, and learning while assembly line workers drank.
  5. Going to Bracken Library to renew Celine.

  6. Losing out on a cleaning job due my criminal background.
  7. Talking to KH.
  8. Reading Celine
  9. Having sore feet
  10. Putting together a Clash playlist
  11. Updating a post on Joyce Carol Oates
  12. Wondering if Putin was really going to war
  13. Getting asleep later than I would like
5:48 am

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